This module covers the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for using computers and mobile devices, for creating and managing files, for dealing with networks, and ensuring data security.

ICDL certificates prove your staff have fundamental (ICDL Base and ICDL Standard), advanced (ICDL Advanced) or typing skills.
ICDL Base Certificate
4 Base Modules
ICDL Standard Certificate
4 Base Modules + any 3 Standard Modules
ICDL Advanced Certificate
1 Advanced Module of your choice
ICDL Expert Certificate
3 Advanced Modules
Typing Certificate*
1 Typing Module
ICDL Profile Certificate
Min. of 4 ICDL Modules of your choice
The ICDL Base certificate forms the foundation for your staff's computer skills. This certificate proves solid knowledge in using operating systems, Internet browsers, word processing and spreadsheet applications. These four modules must be passed within three years. More information on the four ICDL Base modules as well as the detailed exam contents can be found in the ICDL Base syllabus.
The ICDL Standard Certificate confirms competence and extensive practical skills in using PC programmes as well as other important applications. To obtain an ICDL Standard certificate the four ICDL Base modules as well as three Standard modules must be passed. You are free to choose the order in which you would like to offer the modules. More information on the five ICDL Standard modules and the four Base modules as well as the detailed exam contents can be found in the two ICDL Syllabus booklets.
The four Advanced modules are suitable for advanced users of Office programmes. For every Advanced module a candidate passes, she or he will receive the corresponding ICDL Advanced certificate. No previous ICDL certification is needed to be able to take an Advanced exam. Please consult the ICDL Advanced Syllabus for the detailed exam contents.
ICDL Expert is the most challenging ICDL certificate. It consists of three Advanced modules of your choice. You will receive the ICDL Expert certificate in addition to the three individual Advanced certificates.
Offer your staff our Typing Skills certificate for them to be well-equipped to efficiently work on documents. This certificate proves your touch typing skill, i.e. your writing speed and accuracy. Three levels of proficiency can be reached:
The margin of error for all levels is <=0,5%.
As an ICDL Test Centre you can take your organisations requirements into account to create your custom certificate. To create a Profile certificate, choose at least four modules from the entire range of modules. You can add a Typing Skills test to an ICDL Profile certificate that contains at least four ICDL modules.
You can endorse your Profile certificate by adding „recommended by [name of your organisation]“. Contact us to request your ICDL Profile certificate.